About Us

Who we are ?

We’ve come a long way since 2012, when we set up a small committee of Nepalese diasporas living in Birmingham  and across the UK. We are a Nepalese community-based charity that works directly to assist Nepalese people in need. Our volunteers work tirelessly across the UK and Nepal to provide maximum assistance to those in need.  

Our organization helps many children in Nepal who are hindered frosm receiving an education and developing their wellbeing because of their parent’s financial situation. Every year, we send them money to pay for their school lunches, uniforms, books, stationary, and sports equipment.

Our team is working directly on the ground in Nepal to help during any disaster, providing food, temporary shelter, medical aid, and clean water.

Since most of our Volunteers are directly attached to Nepal, our response is quickest, most efficient, and most transparent. There are hundreds of small to medium-sized disasters every year that occur without warning, however our volunteers always in the ground to help.

What we do ?

Our spending and where we get our money should be open and transparent. Our goal is to make sure that donors know about the funding we receive and how their donations will be used.

We receive money from single donations, monthly donations, collection boxes, charitable programs, cultural programs, and our online shop.